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Q: Considering the amount professional archers shoot, what do you do to prevent injury?


Liam cites rest days as the best way to help your body recover from an intensive shooting schedule

Liam cites rest days as the best way to help your body recover from an intensive shooting schedule

A For me the key to preventing injuries has always been rest days. I have shot full-time for five years and never experienced an injury, and I believe I owe this to rest days. I never shoot more than six days in a row without taking a day off. This rest day will allow all the muscle fibres you tear during training to repair themselves. That day off also does wonders for your mental state and keeps you keen to come back and train the next day. During coaching I have also seen injuries that have occurred from poor technique, as any unnecessary body contortions, or bends or twists in joints will put too much strain on the body. So keeping your form simple and body alignment straight will help to keep you injury-free. If you do experience any discomfort when shooting, its always best to stop immediately and either rest or see a physio, as continuing to train or compete with an injury will only make it worse.

Liam Grimwood


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