Returning to archery after a long break? You and everyone else. By Kristina Dolgilevica Returning to sport after a prolonged break is never easy; however, the good news is that many have managed to return to sport in the past…
Duncan Busby on how to get the extra edge. We all know the merits of shooting a well tuned set up, but how much do you really know about the finer points of compound tuning? Micro-tuning is often overlooked but…
The French international Pierre Plihon opens up to Bow. Interview by Mimi Landström “How did I spend lockdown? In my apartment. Luckily I was able to put a target at 2m in my living room. And I had my dog!” …
Alex Tyler puts an Italian thoroughbred through its paces Italian manufacturer Ragim make a wide range of wooden archery bows, including recurve takedowns and beginners gear, but their speciality is high-quality wooden trad bows. The Whitetail is a product from…
A chance for change? Staying fit and keeping perspective in difficult times. By Arne Metzlaff and Bow staff. Chances are, by now, you’ll never want to hear the word ‘coronavirus’ ever again, unless it’s in a historical context. But inevitably,…