
Ask the experts – stiff vs damped and other questions

Our expert panel answers your questions. Send yours to [email protected] Question: My son shoots competitive compound target archery. He currently shoots a 30″ front bar of a larger diameter and my thought is to upgrade to a much smaller diameter

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Posted in Technique

Competing with primitive bows

What’s it like to compete with something you’ve made yourself? By Alex Tyler. Watching a repeat on television, you can often tell how much time has passed since the programme was made by looking at the technology used. Seeing the

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The essential guide to vanes

Adrian Tippins provides an essential guide to vanes Introduction Whether we’re shopping online or in store we are affronted by hundreds of vanes of all sizes and shapes. This can often lead to option paralysis. The confusion leads a lot

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Posted in Equipment

I Made This – RCore

Part 1 of a new series on independent archery businesses. This week, we meet up with Aris Korbetis of RCore.  RCore designs and produces custom aftermarket grips for recurve risers, tailored to each customer’s needs. There are four main designs

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Archery during Covid-19 – keeping sane

A chance for change? Staying fit and keeping perspective in difficult times. By Arne Metzlaff and Bow staff. Chances are, by now, you’ll never want to hear the word ‘coronavirus’ ever again, unless it’s in a historical context. But inevitably,

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A guide to bow arm stability

The essentials for keeping your bow arm strong. Keeping the bow arm stable is vital in recurve archery, but it’s surprising how quickly the strength can drop off – especially if you’ve been out of the game for a few

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Field fitness: making the difference

Lucy O’Sullivan won a Pro Series field event at the first try. How did she do it? As many of you may know, I am a target archer through and through. I was however lucky to get a chance to

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A guide to archery craft

Alex Tyler explains what to expect when you order your own gear Once you have your bow and arrows, kit for field archery can be strictly functional. When you are spending days in the woods, your equipment must be able

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Essential outdoor kit for archery

Field generally needs more kit than target. Here’s the lowdown. All archers will be familiar with the need to carry a set of equipment around. Field archery, due to the more complex and unforgiving environment requires another level of self-sufficiency

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Posted in Equipment, Reviews

Getting started in barebow field archery

An overview by Victoria Williams There is always a lot more to barebow archery than meets the eye. To score well at field archery with a barebow it’s not, as some might say, a matter of pointing in the right

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